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Sustainability-Focused Collaborations

We believe in the strength of unity, the importance of sharing experiences for growth, and amplifying our positive impact through our network of relationships. Therefore, by joining associations related to the fields we operate in, we engage in mutual learning, explore collaboration opportunities, stay informed about industry developments and best practices, manage expectations, and provide feedback on regulations when necessary.

Here are our memberships and collaborations focused on sustainability:

We are proud to be ranked in the top 50 companies globally in environmental performance, with a score above 70 among 500 chemical companies.

We are proud to have earned the Gold Certificate from SKD Turkey’s DO (Duyarlı Ol!) Project!

With our project ‘Our Energy is Solar, Our Future is Sustainable,’ we have become one of Türkiye’s Carbon Heroes!

We have been recognized as one of the 19 companies in Türkiye’s Fortune 500 to attain an A rating in ‘Outstanding Sustainability Performance.’