Occupational Health and Safety
In order to avoid any negativity while doing our job; employee health comes first. Based on our declaration of “Ensuring Health and Safety Conditions” that we commit to our employees; we work in cooperation to provide a working environment where all our employees can feel safe. We carry out activities to ensure that all our stakeholders adopt the occupational health awareness we have adopted within our organization, and we support these activities with training programs.
Within the scope of our understanding of occupational health and safety, we are committed to providing various measures in order to prevent all kinds of simple or serious injuries and health problems that may occur in the activities we carry out. In order to eliminate these problems completely, we put emphasis on using the latest technology products and offer our employees a workplace with safe and healthy working conditions.
Within the framework of legal regulations and legislation, we meticulously fulfill the measures and requirements we take. We identify all risks that may arise within the scope of Occupational Health and Safety with a proactive risk understanding and prepare and implement plans to eliminate these risks after the determinations.
In order to actively manage occupational health and safety, we use the “Near MissNotification” and “Suggestion Notification” systems where our employees can provide feedback. With this system, we systematically collect and examine the notifications in the
Near-Miss and Önercem boxes in our work areas at regular intervals and examine them meticulously.
In all our processes, we manage our Occupational Health and Safety policy and environmental and quality management systems in an integrated manner.